Wayward Beta 1.9 Released!

Beta 1.9 Promo

Life’s been busy, but thanks for sticking around. Beta 1.9 has been released and it’s full of all of our great Weekly changes as well as a giant list of other things. Some of the more exciting things include vulnerabilities and resistances being revealed in combat, a fix to that annoying invisible rotten meat bug, a couple new survival food items, and being able to change directions while moving with your mouse without needing to de-click and changing directions. That’s just scratching the surface though, make sure to read below.

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Windows (Mirror #1) (Mirror #2)
Linux 32-bit (Mirror #1) (Mirror #2)
Linux 64-bit (Mirror #1) (Mirror #2)
Mac OS X (10.7+) (Mirror #1) (Mirror #2)

Just like beta 1.8 previously, 1.9 contains all the fixes/changes/additions from the intermediary versions and some brand new stuff as well, this time quite a lot. You can expect everything from 1.8.1-1.8.6 and the following:


Fixed a bug where:

  • De-spawning would stop to function properly after awhile in a game/session.
  • Using quick-slotted items with hotkeys would bypass sling/bow equip restrictions and cause containers not to work.
  • Quickslotted items would not restock if thrown from the item menu.
  • 0 durability items being blocked from crafting if they were just required (and not consumed).
  • Dying while rafting would cause the player to become stuck on respawn.
  • Invisible rotten meat would keep spawning in a player’s inventory if they had some meat with a 0 decay in the first spot of a container, in the first spot of their inventory. You can see how this one was hard to track down!
  • Filters would not work in Safari.
  • Items would disappear if you tried to use “Drop (All) In Opened Container” when not facing the chest.
  • Closing a container with the “X” would not actually close the container via game logic, possibly causing some container errors.
  • Fists and throwing items with no damage type would result in no vulnerabilities and resistances being applied.
  • Players could get different items back after they just placed a tile. For example, getting shale from a pile of gravel they just placed down.


  • Randomized events will now happen more frequently.
  • Acceleration on movement slowed down on turning to produce more accurate facing movements.
  • Slowed down monster de-spawn a bit (although, it’s much faster than before due to a bug fix).
  • Items you cannot craft are displayed with a red border instead of a very low opacity.
  • If a container breaks from throwing, the items inside now scatter around the point of impact.
  • Decreased the durability on branches, bones, and wooden poles to promote crafting of higher tiered items for gathering/fighting.
  • You can now turn while moving with your mouse and holding down, instead of having to de-click, and then changing directions.
  • Increased vine whip durability.
  • “A Spear” is now “A Stone Spear”.
  • You now always have a chance at doing at least 1 damage to a creature.
  • Resists and vulnerabilities re-balanced across all creatures.
  • Fixed some grammar issues with combat messages.


  • A couple new survival food related items added.
  • Added a couple missing translation texts including recipe skill, equipment type, damage types, and dialog titles.
  • A pick-up option was added to the action menu for doors.
  • Inspecting an aberrant monster will now reveal it’s abnormal.
  • Combat messages will now reveal effectiveness of what you are using to damage a creature.
  • New fancy webkit-only scroll bars!


  • Item CSS is now generated dynamically instead of via CSS. This will improve modibility and changing of items on the fly.


Better Save/Load from File

By Grom PE

Differences from the mod by Garet:

  • Saving doesn’t make the game throw an error, requiring to reload immediately after saving.
  • Adds the buttons in the main menu rather than options.
  • Load button asks for a file rather than showing additional file input.
  • Suggests locale-independent, prettier filename.
  • Works in Opera 12, with “default” filename, still better than nothing at all.
  • Instead of saving whole local storage, saves only actual game data.

The format is still the same, i.e. you can load your games saved by Garet’s mod.

Works On: Beta 1.6+
Download Mod

Wayward Weekly: 1.8.6 + End of Wayward Weekly

1.8.6 Screenshot

Good news and bad news: Huge improvements to the resting and sleeping systems are in, but this will be the last Wayward weekly. There’s some pretty big changes going on in my life, and Orillian, our second in command has also been quite busy as of late, so this will be the ending to Wayward weekly, at least for awhile. We will still be busy working on the game, just a little bit less so for awhile, NO NEED TO PANIC! Calm your nerves and check out the Wayward todo if you are ever in doubt. Beta 1.9 is also just around the bend, so stay tuned for that release!


Back-up your game regularly if you care about it, especially with these weekly releases. There’s a Save/Load modification available for this task. Wayward is a still a beta!

Once you go weekly, there’s no going back in your save, it will convert it if you play online.

Play Wayward Weekly


Wayward Beta 1.8.6 Changelog


Fixed a bug where:

  • Mobs would eventually stop de-spawning properly, causing too many monsters present on longer playthroughs.
  • A default english.js customization would fail, making translations not able to be loaded fully.


  • Increased default durability for both of the slings.


  • There is now a “Resting” and “Sleeping” feature. If you were familiar before with Resting, basically, Sleeping is now that functionality. Resting is a bit different now in that you will now automatically stop resting when your Stamina is full. On top of this, Resting, unlike Sleeping cycles (length) are not dictated by time of day or if you are facing a fire, but still dependant on your Camping skill a bit. Resting will provide the same regenerative effects as Sleeping; however, your hunger and thirst will still increase as if you were normally taking turns, while sleeping gives a bonus decrease to this (as per usual).
  • You can now “Rest” from the Actions menu without any item; however, you will receive less regenerative effects resting directly on the ground.
  • Special randomized events now have the rare chance of occurring, these include:
    • Bare trees can become full again.
    • Trees can grow extra resources.
    • Monster death.
    • Monster health increase.
    • Monster health decrease.
    • Plant destroy.
    • Plant fertility increase.
    • Plant fertility decrease.
    • More of these events to come.

Wayward Weekly: 1.8.5

1.8.5 Screenshot

Well, we got one pretty game-changing feature in this week with the inclusion of “Actions” which allows players to Inspect, Gather, Attack, Drink, and Pick-up with the press of a button rather than needing specific items or walking into tiles. We’ll also see more actions coming up soon, but I know a lot of people will appreciate being able to drink fresh water from a tile without needing an item.


Back-up your game regularly if you care about it, especially with these weekly releases. There’s a Save/Load modification available for this task. Wayward is a still a beta!

Once you go weekly, there’s no going back in your save, it will convert it if you play online.

Play Wayward Weekly


Wayward Beta 1.8.5 Changelog


Fixed a bug where:

  • Item menus would hover off of the left side of the screen.
  • Items in an opened container would not update if decayed (and cause errors) until re-opened.
  • An opened container would not close if thrown.
  • Movement was being dictated by FPS which on some configurations (GPU/browser) was causing very fast movements.
  • Errors were produced when killing a monster from shot/thrown item.


  • Slowed down plant spreading by about 50%.
  • Increased chance at getting hurt from not using a tool while gathering (and now picking up items without a tool via new Actions menu).
  • Throwing and shooting (slings/bows) now reduce stamina based on a Tactics skill check like attacking melee currently does.


  • New “Actions” menu (hotkey “q”) implemented. This will create a contextual menu for your facing tile where one or more of the following actions will now be available: Inspect, Gather, Attack, Drink and/or Pick-up.


  • Fixed some possible bugs/errors caused by not converting item id’s to numbers (parseInt).

Wayward Weekly: 1.8.4

1.8.4 Screenshot

I decided to push this release a day just so I could get a few more items added to the changelog. We are getting to the point in our todo list where bigger things need to get done, and the changes aren’t meaning too much to the players, so please excuse us if the next weeklies seem a bit “lackluster”.

Next week we can expect a preliminary model for the new “actions” system where you can contextually perform actions to a facing tile/item without needing to use an item. Some ideas include: drinking water, resting, etc.


Back-up your game regularly if you care about it, especially with these weekly releases. There’s a Save/Load modification available for this task. Wayward is a still a beta!

Once you go weekly, there’s no going back in your save, it will convert it if you play online.

Play Wayward Weekly


Wayward Beta 1.8.4 Changelog


Fixed a bug where:

  • Cave houses were not spawning with items randomly.
  • Throwing a container would destroy the items inside.


  • Initial game/save load sped up by around 10-20% depending on browser/hardware.
  • Skeletons can now sometimes spawn in generated templates/houses/boats.
  • Performing any action on a hidden enemy (Trap Door Spider) will now reveal it.
  • Fixed an issue with some sounds on some browsers where audio would sound like it was getting cut-off.


  • Derelict boats and rafts can now spawn in the open seas.
  • There is now a code console in options where you can any code without needing to load a mod.


  • Templating code/objects have been overhauled.

Wayward Weekly: 1.8.3

1.8.3 Screenshot

You can definitely tell by reading the changelog that we were busy this week, sadly, not on Wayward. Nevertheless, we still got a decent number of improvements for you this week, just nothing game-changing.


Back-up your game regularly if you care about it, especially with these weekly releases. There’s a Save/Load modification available for this task. Wayward is a still a beta!

Once you go weekly, there’s no going back in your save, it will convert it if you play online.

Play Wayward Weekly


Wayward Beta 1.8.3 Changelog


Fixed a bug where:

  • Digging/carving up environmental objects would sometimes produce an item with a negative durability.


  • The Bow Drill is now crafted from the Hand Drill. The graphic now also reflects this.
  • The Raft now requires a Boat Paddle. The graphic now also reflects this.
  • The rafting graphic that appears under your while drifting now changes direction based on movement.
  • Attributes and stats in the HUD/GUI are now broken up on larger resolutions. The attributes are now more condensed in general as well.
  • The container window acts like the rest of the windows and saves it’s position/size between game re-loads.
  • You can now sometimes dig into fresh water resources from dirt/gravel/swamp tiles on the rare occasion.
  • Resting now uses the fastest available timing. There’s no more artificial delay, the delay that is there is literally how fast it takes to run the turns sequentially.


  • Updated supported browser version listing.
  • The Player.use item function has been removed; everything is now passed automatically via object variables to their proper actions.

Wayward Weekly: 1.8.2 + News

1.8.2 Screenshot

We are knocking those bugs out faster and faster with Wayward weekly all the while improving the core mechanics and systems. This week is filled more with the latter. Some of my favourites include the new treasure gathering system, the new raft system, and a heavily requested revert: allow crafting with 0 durability items.

Beta 2.0 News

We have also started focusing more and working out what beta 2.0 will look like. The plan currently is to have beta 2.0 available on Steam as this release will feature completely new game systems, new world generation, a new graphical look and more. We are saving these big changes because it’s unlikely that we can convert previous save files over unfortunately. This also means Wayward Weekly will cease to be sometime after a 1.9 release. Our current beta 2.0 plans are available to view on our Trello to do board.


Back-up your game regularly if you care about it, especially with these weekly releases. There’s a Save/Load modification available for this task. Wayward is a still a beta!

Once you go weekly, there’s no going back in your save, it will convert it if you play online.

Play Wayward Weekly


Wayward Beta 1.8.2 Changelog


Fixed a bug where:

  • The player would take fire damage if trying to attack an enemy that is over top of a fire source.
  • Tool-tips and item hovers would not change after crafting an item until your mouse moved again.
  • You could gather from resource tiles that were on fire.
  • Tall rocks could randomly change graphics on first gather.


  • Mining and Fishing skill now benefits the radius in which you can dig or fish up treasure up to a maximum of 11 tiles away (1 tile per 10%).
  • Gathering treasure will allow you to gain in Mining/Fishing skills.
  • Gathering treasure will now damage the tool used.
  • Carving will no longer stop after carving blood, it will cycle through the next object on the tile.
  • You can now craft once again with 0 durability items.
  • Inventory containers (bags, backpacks, etc.) will now stay open on movement.
  • All crafted items now get at least 1 durability.
  • Expert level items are a bit harder to craft (versus a skill check).
  • Some miscellaneous spelling fixes.


  • A new “Gather Treasure” action has been added to the item menu for shovels and fishing nets. This is to be used instead of trying to decode the map near the treasure. It will automatically cycle through what ever maps you have in your inventory to find a match.
  • A light radius has been added to cave entrances. The intensity of light is determined by the time of day/night.
  • The rafting (or drift) system has been overhauled. Rafts can now be used in any water and will allow you to move at normal speeds, outside of the water. Raft is damaged based on movement.

Wayward Weekly: 1.8.1

1.8.1 Screenshot

It’s a little bit late into the night for our weekly Thursday release, but it’s here! This week was a bit slow, but we still managed to get some good bug fixes in. Read below for all the details.


Back-up your game regularly if you care about it, especially with these weekly releases. There’s a Save/Load modification available for this task. Wayward is a still a beta!

Once you go weekly, there’s no going back in your save, it will convert it if you play online.

Play Wayward Weekly


Wayward Beta 1.8.1 Changelog


Fixed a bug where:

  • Monsters could spawn on top of fire of other blocking environmental objects.
  • Placing a tile on grass was ignoring the proper stack (and not turning the grass to dirt).
  • Pouring a Pile of Snow was making game and save file completely unplayable.
  • Some containers were causing many errors. Is this the end of container bugs? Thanks Milo Hoffmann!
  • Tool-tips and item menus were showing behind dialogs still (hopefully this is fixed for real now).
  • Digging up cobblestone was not returning the proper item.


  • Made Iron in rocks and sandstone a bit easier to spot visually.


  • A new crafting hint/help dialog has been added that explains all the depth and intricacies of crafting.
  • Coal rocks have been added back in as a resource tile.
  • There is now a drop gathered items on ground option available.


  • Wayward now uses Application Cache technology. This means all the game’s files will now get stored on your computer and load instantly regardless of normal browser caching. New files will get re-downloaded only on updates.

Wayward Beta 1.8 Released!

Wayward Beta 1.8 - HELP!Woops, totally forgot a witty and clever release title this time. Either way, beta 1.8 is now out!

Beta 1.8 is mostly an amalgamation of 1.7.x changes. This is due to the recently implemented weekly release schedule – which this week just so happens to be a full release. So, if you are updating from 1.7 to 1.8, you can view the changelogs from 1.7.1-1.7.4 and 1.8 itself to see all the changes. Quite a bit there for just a little more than a month! In fact, it’s the biggest amount of updates we’ve ever made in a new version. Progress!

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Some of the best stuff includes:

  • Fixed a bug where Legendaries were not giving skill bonuses.
  • Tiles now also save durability between uses. This will make more sense moving forward when some monsters can perhaps break down walls?
  • Resource tiles are now physically spawned, rather than items simply spawning on top of them. This will give a large performance boost as well as reduce save file space by 40%+ on new saves. Unfortunately most of this will only apply to newer saves.
  • Resource tiles now appear visibly different on the minimap, and are visibly different even outside line of sight.
  • Tons of HUD/GUI design changes and bug fixes.
  • Lots of performance improvements (especially to the offline version).
  • A brand new creature! Along with some graphical improvements to all enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where Solar Stills and Stone Water Stills recipes would duplicate in crafting dialog.
  • english.js (translation file) now reveals when changes are made to the file to keep your translation up to date easier (Removed/Added/Edited with version information).
  • Tons of other fixes and improvements/balance changes. See the changelog for more details.


In other news, we’ve recently moved over to Trello for the Wayward Todo. This allows everybody to view what we are working on. Donators get to become “Members” which allows them to vote and comment on everything. Additionally, there’s also a fully public board, which let’s everybody submit ideas, suggestions and bugs here.