By Vaughn
Allows you to display the world map and cave map via buttons in the options menu.
Works On: Beta 1.6+
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By Vaughn
Allows you to display the world map and cave map via buttons in the options menu.
Works On: Beta 1.6+
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So let’s get this out of the way at the start:
Wayward has been greenlit on Steam! Thank you to everybody that helped this dream come true for Wayward. That’s good news. Even better news would be, say, the release of a new beta. Well, we have that for you too!
This has been one of the biggest releases to date in terms of improvements and fixes. Some of the coolest stuff form this beta includes:
Read more as always on the Changelog page:
The voting period for IndieDB’s game awards are ending pretty soon. If you have a quick minute, throw up a vote for Wayward. Click on the badge below, and a bit down the page, you will find a big voting banner.
Special thanks to arktvrvs and Grom_PE on this release.
So, yesterday, Steam approved another huge batch of games (100), and in doing so, placed Wayward up to #48 in 1387 games currently on Steam Greenlight. That is really good news for the future development of Wayward as you can imagine. This definitely puts some “fire” under me to work even harder on Wayward (it’s currently still a hobby project) and stay up a bit later each night, hah!
If you haven’t voted yet, please do so! Every vote helps! Already voted? Leave a kind comment, or just say “MINECRAFT CLONE!” like everybody else (just kidding, don’t do that, haha).
It’s also been awhile since I did a full preview post, so here goes:
Earlier in the month, I teased some new status effect graphics:
This will make it easier to see that you are going to need to bandage or cure yourself, quickly! Especially because of this change:
You can also expect some new status effects coming up in 1.7+ as well.
I have also been testing proper tile mapping which will give the game a less amateurish look, and take away from that very rigid “grid” feeling. This isn’t 1.6 stuff, but you can see what I mean in the screenshot below:
This example is very basic and doesn’t show the true visuals of a dynamic tile mapping system, but I hope you get the picture.
Wayward Beta 1.5 has been released! Dubbed “Watergate” after the controversy of the inclusion of thirst and water in the last update and a reference to the real-life scandal. Get it? It’s a pun… anyways… water and thirst is a lot easier in 1.5. How easier? Well, if you read the previously posted “On Thirst & Hydration” post, you can get an idea on what changed and why.
Besides the water and thirst changes, there’s lots of other changes, and I mean A LOT! Take a look at the changelog! There’s close to 70 changes there. Some of the best stuff is as follows:
Play Online:
Do a hard refresh or clear your cache if beta 1.4 is still popping up for you.
I know I don’t post very much on the blog in between each version. I usually just relegate most communication to Reddit or the Facebook page during this period, but I thought I may as well make a small update just to show you all what we are working on.
There’s some fancy new dropping/dragging features, which allow you to drop or take all of a certain item while holding down control (CTRL). Shown here:
Earlier this week, I also posted a screenshot of some new inventory changes/features:
I asked people to guess at all the changes they could spot here. But, I’ll just go ahead and tell you:
Some other great changes coming up in 1.5:
View all the beta 1.5 changes so far on the Changelog:
Beta 1.5 will be coming very soon. I promise!
If you don’t already know what Hunger Clock, Literally is, or know about Ludum Dare, go here to get the scoop before reading this. But basically, I made a game in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare game making competition. Here’s my thoughts.
This weekend was pretty fun. It was my first time doing something like this. I had a lot of crazy ideas at the start, but I knew I had to play it a bit safe if I wanted to get it finished. So while, innovation was important, it took a bit of a back seat to the rest of my goals.
In the end, besides the primary goal of completing the game, I also wanted to make it fun, challenging, and rewarding – hopefully most of that shines through this relatively unpolished piece. The main personal goal for entering this competition was to force myself to learn some new things and try out some techniques to add to my arsenal of game development. I capitalized on that aspect as well. I am happy with the result for these reasons.
HTML5 is great for these kind of competitions because I had people playing and testing while I was developing all simultaneously. I think that sped up my development process a lot. I was originally going to try out Phaser, a recent HTML5 game engine, but was having a lot of issues with physics and collision. In the end, I decided to do it from scratch and the result was a lot smoother, but I definitely wasted a bit of time testing Phaser and then coding my own systems. Time which could have been spent doing some of the stuff below.
If I had more time, I would of fixed up some of these things:
Foolishly, I assumed IE9/10 had nearest neighbor scaling for canvas. I was wrong!
I know I wanted to use some pretty advanced jumping physics. I got most of it in, like arcing, imprecise corner jumping, corner boosting, friction, dynamic jump heights (based on input); however, on smaller jumps the arcing isn’t noticeable or effective. I would also perhaps like to implement jumping momentum like in Super Mario Bros 1/2/3 where your jump forces you into a direction a bit more so you can’t just stop dead in air.
So quiet… we need some trashy chiptune stuff going on! Sadly, my skills are quite lacking in this department.
While there is a decent amount of content for a 48 hour game, I would maybe like to push that more. More power-ups, more block types and mechanics, better randomization/templating. Who knows, maybe even some real enemies?
It’s an HTML5 game, right?! So, ideally, with some more time I could of added some touch controls for this to work on mobile and touch devices.
All in all though, I’m very pleased and look forward to the next Ludum Dare! Who knows, maybe I will expand on this one after all.
Having trouble with a forever loading screen? No more!
If you play on the online version, simply do a hard refresh (CTRL + Shift+ R) on Chrome or (CTRL + F5) on Firefox to grab the new hotfixed version.
Your game should now load after a couple seconds as per usual.
As anticipated, there has been some resistance to the idea of thirst being implemented in Wayward; however, I think most of this stems from the complication of distilling sea water into a drinkable form. It’s definitely not a perfect system yet and I wanted to do a blog post to discuss the following:
There’s two new environmental items for water distillation including:
Stone Water Still
With this one, you have to pour unpurified water into it (right click), light it on fire, and wait until it burns out to grab the now distilled water.
Solar Still
With a solar still, you have the pour unpurified water into it, then wait a couple hundred turns. This will only work during the day. After it’s done, you can grab the distilled water.
You can also use a direct recipe method:
A Purified Filled Waterskin
Using a flask, you can distill water directly from your craft menu.
There’s some other thirst-reducing foods as well including:
Most of this will appear in beta 1.5, so stay tuned!
By Garret (Donator)
Adds a button to the Options page which allows you to save and load your game to/from a local file.
Works On: Beta 1.4+
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Wayward beta 1.4 is out right now! Very appropriately subtitled, “More Ways to Die”; this release features new stuff that will kill you, like poison and thirst! FUN! It’s not all bad though, there’s plenty of improvements and other new content as well.
Looks like we are sticking with the monthly release schedule so far, so as always, stay tuned for beta 1.5 and onward.
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Delete your cache if beta 1.3 is still popping up for you.
Some of the bigger stuff from this release:
Read about all the changes via the Changelog: