Hey all,
Excuse the silence on the upcoming beta 2.3 as of late. We have decided to release these newsletters roughly in the middle of the wait for each major release for Wayward, instead of the original bi-monthly plan. We are still working hard on all the new planned changes, and even some yet-to-be-announced-ultra-mega-secret ones. More on that another time; let’s start it off with the postmortem on beta 2.2.
Beta 2.2 Postmortem
With beta 2.2, we saw the biggest major patch to date with close to 150 changes and additions. It wasn’t without its issues though, prompting a couple quick hotfixes and quicker patches after the release. We try to mitigate this as much as possible, but our resources are limited as always. We appreciate all the early access players coming along for the ride and helping us discover the bugs and help improve Wayward with suggestions.
We were pretty happy with the release overall, and players seemed to enjoy all the new goodies as well. There was a large focus on balance and new-player experience improvements in beta 2.2, as well as the subsequent minor patches. We would like to continue that trend with beta 2.3; however, we would maybe like to skew it more to the general improvements, bug fixes, and new additions side of things a bit more to keep the older players coming back for the major releases as well.