Wayward Newsletter #8

Hey everybody! No patch this weekend, but we have a newsletter for you instead while we finish up the next patch. More on that below.

Week Long Deal

There’s still a day or so to get Wayward for -10% off on Steam! The offer (and week) ends September 21st.

Beta 2.9.x

While our latest update (beta 2.9.5) wasn’t too crazy exciting relatively speaking; it was a culmination of a couple of weeks of work while I was moving houses, and mostly done by the other team members. The next update (beta 2.9.6) we have in the queue is much of the same while I get settled in. Expect to see more bug fixes, balance tweaks, and general improvements including the advancement of the crafting sorting features:

The “Best for Crafting…” sort options are now combined into one, making it a good default active sort to use along with the new “Protect” item feature when crafting for the best results.

This special sort takes into account quality, tiers, weight (lower the better), and durability of items and attempts to weigh them against each other to find the very best items for crafting.

Best for Crafting Sort Option

Item protection will also be getting an upgrade:

Protected items are now protected from disassembling, throwing, and dropping in destructive ways.

Expect to see these and more coming up in the next week or so. Much more exciting is the work we are doing on beta 2.10.0, our next major release which we entitled, “Seafarer+”.


Our next update, as previously revealed will focus on the advancement of the traveling and island biome systems.

This major update will be a collection of everything we couldn’t fit in for the last update. More content and unique scenarios for the different biomes, temperature, and world mapping are some things on the docket this time around.

Here’s a preview of some island art that will be showcased on the world mapping screen:

Island Art

There’s still a lot up in the air with temperature (haha), but here’s a preview that may or may not be at all accurate in the released version:

Overheating Preview

Temperature will be introduced as at least two new status effects, “Overheating” and “Freezing”, leading to negative consequences and longer-lasting status effects (“Heatstroke”, “Frostbite”) if left unchecked. Many things will affect your body temperature including equipment, the tile you are standing on (or around), the biome type, fires/doodads, creatures, day/night, and more! There will be many ways to control being too hot and too cold with items as well such as with eating and drinking hot/cold things.

Oh ya, and take a gander at some upcoming modding changes, allowing you to create a mod page right in the game:

Mod `README.md` files can now be viewed in-game.

Debug Tools Readme

Video Showcase

If you didn’t already watch it, Splattercat made another video on Wayward for this new update and new year:

We’re always super appreciative when he does a new video as it has become a huge source of new players discovering or rediscovering the game!

Mod Showcase

Special shoutout to slayerjerman who has been working a lot on graphical and music mods for Wayward, replacing our art and music with likes of that from Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and The Legend of Zelda. Here’s the full list of all mods released so far by slayerjerman:


A few screenshots from these:

Character Pack Mod

DragonQuest Tiles Mod

Zelda Tiles Mod

While they don’t replace everything at the moment (that’s a monumental task), it’s quite interesting to see how other art styles and game art look in a Wayward context.

Modding Update Guide

Speaking of modding, check out the recently released modding update guide video I produced for those of you that need some help updating a mod. It doesn’t even need to be your own mod!

Feature Voting

Although our feature set is fairly predetermined for the next major, we’ll always refer to our voting results for new upcoming features. We’ve recently updated and added some new options for upcoming releases. Make sure to get your voice heard here: http://www.waywardgame.com/vote

Frequently Answered Questions

As much as I like answering all the questions we get on the forums and our Discord, a lot of the times these answers are found on our FAQ page. Check it out and let me know if I am missing anything. It’s also a great way to learn more about the game and its development.


Stay tuned!

Beta 2.9.5 Released

We’re back this weekend with another minor patch! Apologies on the delay for this one. Things are finally settling down for me again after a recent move.

This week we have a bunch of bug fixes as per normal as well as some general improvements, many of which are community-submitted from our Discord and on the Steam forums.

Bonus Tip

Not all resources can be found on the starting coastal island. Many resources, creatures, and plants are unique to each island type or are more commonly found in certain biomes. For example, although clay can be found near swamps and in caves near water on the starting coastal islands, it’s much easier to be found all over the arid island type including under all desert sand. Iron is most abundant in ice cap islands as another example.

Bonus Promotion

SplatterCatGaming once again graces our community’s presence with a brand new Wayward video!


  • The server browser now shows current island details (biome type and x/y).
  • Added full support for loading dedicated server saves and backups as a non-dedicated server or game and vice versa.
  • Lower decay items will now be sorted at the front or back instead of in the middle when sorting by decay.
  • Sorts are no longer sorted by their inverse when switching to a new type of sort.
  • Increased tick time limit to 2333ms max.
  • The /commands command will now only show commands you can perform. Command.
  • Added a confirmation for when attempting to drop a container with item(s) into deep water or the void.
  • You can no longer dig entrances into the void.
  • Improved the display of the about menu when using an interface scale less than 1.
  • Improved the display of the highscore menu when using an interface scale less than 1.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed challenge quest creatures spawning in inappropriate scenarios (like fishing them up). (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed a message bug when boarding a second boat while already on a boat. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed not being able to protect items in chests. (Thanks Luxodjen!)
  • Fixed refining being able to reduce featherweight items past 0.1 weight. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed tree bark and tail feathers being able to be dismantled into items with more minimum weight. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed refining, enchanting, and transmogrifying certain items not using the proper skills. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed a few issues related to UI input and events when saving and re-loading a game, such as one which caused screenshot mode to only work for some of the UI. (Hotfixed)
  • Fixed creatures being able to walk on the void. (Thanks [SOA] Slade Wilson!)
  • Fixed attempting to paddle on top of creatures, doodads, and more allowing you to use a boat on land. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed spending a turn when attempting to use a boat outside of water.
  • Fixed equipping the torch twice in challenge mode with eternal night challenge enabled. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed MORE instances of players in multiplayer games rejoining as new characters if the game was ever closed without a save (due to crashes or incorrect server shutdowns).
  • Fixed dropping containers into water moving contained items into player’s inventories.
  • Fixed performing commands that you did not have access to not showing any message/output.
  • Fixed challenge modifiers changing in Challenge Mode when traveling to a new island. (Thanks cloudcover!)
  • Fixed milestone modifiers that added percentages to all skills producing a blank skill type. (Thanks bored_o_mir!)
  • Fixed not being able to travel to another island if all other players left and you had a vote timeout. (Thanks Ardy!)
  • Fixed loading really old saves causing fog of war to be reset.
  • Fixed item notifications no longer showing after sailing to civilization and returning to the island.
  • Fixed some trypos. (Thanks Ursa!) (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed some language being cached incorrectly, causing some values to keep displaying the same, even as they are changing internally. (Hotfixed)


  • Tamed monsters no longer break doodads (walls, chests, etc.).
  • Crafted items can now be reinforced higher than found/looted items (if they can be crafted).
  • You can no longer disassemble candles.


  • Internal texture sizes are now automatically expanded to support mods with a large number of sprites. (Thanks slayerjerman!)
  • Fixed typing for global renderer variable.
  • You can now use @Mod.instance(), @Mod.log(), @Mod.saveData(), and @Mod.globalData() without a name argument on mod classes.


  • When loading Wayward using a custom resource directory, the game will now show the version appended with “(Custom)”.



  • Learned how to use boats.
  • Will no longer run away from creatures only to end up drowning.
  • No longer kills itself by drinking unpurified water while at low health.
  • Fixed sometimes sleeping to death when trying to traverse large bodies of water.
  • Will now keep additional food in its inventory instead of moving them into chests.
  • Fixed TARS not pathing past NPCs.
  • Will now look for better tools after obtaining better weapons and armor.
  • Learned how to live on Arid islands.
  • Learned how to live on Ice Cap islands.
  • Now travels to other islands after expending the current island’s resources.


  • Fixed tall doodads not rendering correctly. (Thanks ______!)

Debug Tools

  • Fixed sail to civilization not working.
  • Fixed the “Tamed” checkbox not updating when viewing subsequent creatures.

Beta 2.9.4 Released

A new weekend, a new set of changes! This time around we have a pretty substantial set of changes for balance as well as a brand new item protection feature ready for everybody to check out.


You can hover over items and use “P” or right-click them and select the “Protect” option to protect items. Protected items will not be used in crafting, dismantling, or auto-carving (from the action menu), so you never have to worry about crafts breaking your prized axe anymore!

Bonus Tip

There are more differences between resting and sleeping than just being able to cancel out of rest. While you rest or sleep, your hunger and thirst rate is reduced and your stamina and health are regenerated. But these effects are stronger when sleeping. You can only ever rest until you have full stamina, whereas with sleeping, you will sleep for as long as you aren’t interrupted among many other factors including your camping skill and whether you are around a fire source.

There’s a lot more to this and is explained in full detail within the help menu located in-game by pressing the “?” icon in the top menu bar or by pressing “/” by default.

Bonus Promotion

Check out our newly updated voting page for helping us prioritize upcoming features. Not everything is listed here of course, but most of the major things are.

Let me know if something is missing!


  • Added a new selectable “Protected” item feature instead of only being able to apply it to equipped/quickslotted items. You can hover over items and use “P” or right-click them and select the “Protect” option to protect items.


  • Reduced the amount of delay after swapping positions or being blocked by creatures.
  • “Carve with Tool” action will no longer use “Protected” items.
  • Item tooltips are now updated as changes are made to the item.
  • The sort menu for crafting/inventory dialogs is now ordered based on frequently used selections and shows which is the default in each case.
  • Quality is no longer included when sorting by name (except in the cases of legendary types).
  • Spruce cones can now be used for stoking fires.
  • Removed delay from some actions that did not require it and added it for those that required it to fix quickslot usage issues.
  • Removed “Protected Crafting Items” and “Protect Crafting Items for Containers” in favor of the new individual item protection system.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed sorting by name doing a reverse sort and the reverse sort doing a normal sort.
  • Fixed multiple multiplayer desyncs related to owners of tamed creatures disconnecting.
  • Fixed a glitched item highlighting feature when hovering over boosted skills (from legendary effects) in your skills dialog. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync that occurred when players attempted to rejoin the server if they previously left while sleeping/resting.
  • Fixed an error when updating the mod.json file of a mod after publishing, and added a new, more correct & useful warning for if a situation like this happens again.
  • Fixed being able to join the server as a local game if in the process of connecting the server shut down.
  • Fixed “Navigator” milestone triggering incorrectly. (Thanks Lardi!)
  • Fixed an oversight that made it so tiered treasure chests did not have ever-increasing item quality chances. (Thanks Franck!)


  • Increased the health and damage of many mid-tier creatures.
  • Reduced damage blocked by parrying slightly.
  • Low tier treasure chests will now only provide copper-based tools, armor, and weapons. High tier treasure chests will provide wrought-iron drops instead of iron.
  • Treasure chests that are lockpicked will now be damaged, reducing usability when disassembling.


  • Added support for mods that are bigger than 100MB.
  • Improved performance of uploading/downloading workshop files.
  • Modded status effect renderers can now cancel base-game layer rendering. (Thanks Saervok!)
  • Added support for skipping walk to tile’s blocked tile check.
  • Leftover Steam Cloud files are now cleaned up after publishing mods.


  • Crafts are now defaulted to sort by discovered time due to performance concerns.
  • Improved the performance of sorting, filtering, and updates to the inventory and crafting dialogs.
  • Upgraded Wayward to TypeScript 4.



  • No longer gets stuck when attempting to travel past open fire.
  • Fixed TARS sometimes getting stuck when trying to carve a corpse if it doesn’t have an item that can carve.
  • Will prefer rocks over rock ground when looking for a sharp rock.
  • Protects swords from being used when dismantling.
  • No longer thinks the world is round.
  • Won’t try to dig under chests anymore.
  • Will now reinforce good equipment when its durability gets low.
  • Fixed getting stuck if an NPC walked in its way.
  • Fixed loop of taking and removing items from chests when near max weight.

Beta 2.9.3 Released

Some more bugs bite the dust in beta 2.9.3. We have also refined the modding workflow and improved a few areas of the game including performance. Take a gander at what we tweaked and fixed this week with the changelog below.

Also, for any TARS fans out there, check out that beefy list of changes!

Bonus Tip

What’s better than getting headbutted by a goat? Well, a lot of things, including taming them and letting them produce milk for you. Goats can easily be tamed with leaves (by offering them, or by leaving them on the ground). You can attempt to “Gather Milk” with any liquid container when facing the goat. Make sure to keep taming it so it can produce more and more milk over time. Petting goats will also help them produce milk faster.

Bonus Promotion

Wondering where most of these bugs are being uncovered at? Our Discord of course! We have a great Discord community full of theory-crafting, bug hunting, and general fawning over upcoming features.

Have an old mod you need to update? Not sure where to start? I did a modding update guide video with an example mod to perhaps help you out with that:


  • Added a /backup chat command for dedicated servers.


  • Improved the accuracy of the anatomy-based “mostly uninjured” message by adding a case for full health creatures/players/NPCs. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • The save game button is now hidden for clients in multiplayer games.
  • Removed “Reputation” messages from the “Chat” message filter by default.
  • Removed vagueness in wording for enchant/transmogrify actions. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Player “turns” now start as 1 instead of 0.
  • Added a new “Events” message filter type and added several messages that were not categorized/miscategorized before.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed traveling to the west and east always producing the same island.
  • Fixed errors and desyncs related to fish and other creatures moving at the edge of the world.
  • Fixed auto save options only appearing in quick settings (and removed it from there as well). (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed clients in multiplayer games not receiving credit for Navigator and Helmsman milestones.
  • Fixed dedicated servers not saving fog of war of players when running in console mode.
  • Fixed creatures being forced to spawn over tiles they shouldn’t when gathering treasure. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed updating binds not showing on quickslots until a restart.
  • Prevented new players that join non-pvp dedicated servers that switched islands from spawning at the edge of the map.
  • Fixed renamed items reverting when canceling a rename action. (Thanks Azhukar!)
  • Fixed weight not being updated when attempting to paddle when a boat was placed within a container.
  • Fixed penguins providing an incorrect reputation amount when killing them. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed instances of players in multiplayer games rejoining as new characters if the game was ever closed without a save (due to crashes or incorrect server shutdowns).
  • Fixed walk to tile failing if a tamed creature is in the way but cannot be swapped.
  • Fixed containers staying open when they were dropped into the void or deep water.
  • Fixed mods breaking with “!” in the game’s path. (Thanks Cth!)
  • Removed the “You see a fire spread uncontrollably.” message from the “Reputation” message filter. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed sailboats not warning about breakage on use.
  • Fixed eating aloe vera leaves also “applying” them, curing the burned status effect. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed saved opened containers not showing their name or calculating their weight.
  • Fixed some tiepos. (Thanks Ursa!)


  • Increased the amount of glue/resin required to fully reinforce normal quality items, while reducing the amount required as quality increases (was previously the reverse of these rules).


  • Fixed mod publishing erroring when publishing a mod with comments in its mod.json file.
  • Fixed the wayward +mod update command not updating the waywardVersion property in the mod.json file.
  • Fixed JSON comments not being supported with wayward +mod command.


  • Improved performance when dismantling, disassembling, and many other item interactions. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • The launch_options.json file can now have comments.



  • Fixed getting stuck by a tree if there was a corpse on top of it.
  • Will no longer try to repair kindling items.
  • Will now disable right hand when it’s a shield. The left hand equip will try to be the appropriate damage type against the nearest creature.
  • Fixed failing to run away from creatures when at low health.
  • Will destroy trees more often if they are in the way of quicker pathing.
  • Fixed harvestable trees being ignored when searching for items.
  • Added the ability to create and use multiple water containers.
  • Will attempt to carry multiple kindling items in the inventory to start fires easier.
  • TARS will maintain a tidy base by moving items that are on the ground into chests after it obtains a leather armor set.
  • Will carry food, water, and a bandage with it before attempting to upgrade weapons and armor past leather.
  • Will no longer get stuck attempting to move to the same targets over and over.
  • Now always uses a knife when a recipe requires a sharpened to stop ruining swords!
  • Will no longer be scared of sharks when wearing decent equipment.
  • Will leave extra items at the base before moving far away.
  • No longer attempts to run away from targets that do not move, getting stuck.
  • Fixed TARS sometimes trying to dig/carve when it can’t.
  • Will prioritize crafting items when all the requirements are within inventory (stops filling inventory up before crafting).
  • Will craft items that require a furnace/anvil more reliably (hopefully).
  • Will now return to drop off items at base once it’s carrying too much.
  • Added the ability to create and use multiple water stills.

Beta 2.9.2 Released

Another weekend, another release! So, it turns out there was more issues to fix up. Quite a bit more in fact. Thanks for all the reports! Keep them coming if you find any new issues.

There’s a few new feature and improvements thrown in for good measure too. Enjoy!

Bonus Tip

For an alternative water source, you can build wells. These wells produce water based on where they are built. The rate of water corresponds directly with where they are built in relation to the cave system below them. Build them over impassable terrain like rocks in the caves and they will slowly trickle in groundwater. Build them over underground lakes and water sources and you will get an unlimited source of water. Build them over dirt, gravel, or other passable terrain and they will not produce any water. If you have a cave entrance nearby, you can count the steps or tiles to judge where to build it above ground.

Bonus Promotion

Check out our Twitter for keeping up-to-date on everything Wayward. We tend to post smaller updates and news pieces there that are too small for a Steam news post.


  • Added a new “Drop on Dismantle” option.
  • Added a new note for hunger/starvation.


  • Containers now re-open when reloading a game or traveling.
  • Items crafted now properly checks your inventory and containers within your inventory in order, instead of checking sub-containers last. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Clicking the clear/exit button in filters now removes focus from the filter.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash involving the skills dialog. (Thanks Levvy!)
  • Fixed cases where extinguished lit doodads (like furnaces, campfires, etc.) could decay and become destroyed. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixed an issue where inputs could become “stuck” on after typing in the crafting/inventory filters. (Thanks Jiamil!)
  • Fixed creatures being able to walk over NPCs.
  • Fixed treasure being able to spawn in void in cave layers. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed macro bindings being lost on reload.
  • Fixed the wrong terrain type being set when placing down tiles in the “Ice Cap” region. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed world tooltips not working after dragging and dropping an item to the game screen. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed duplicate messages showing up when rejoining multiplayer games.
  • Fixed needing to use the “Show More Information” bind once after changing the “Always Show More Information” option. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed render depth/order not working correctly at certain positions on the map. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed macro input being doubled up and reset at the wrong times, causing double click to sometimes not work on items. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed join server retry button not always working correctly.
  • Fixed multiplayer clients sometimes displaying messages for other players.
  • Fixed save interrupts not always showing.
  • Fixed permanently burning not reducing player health in the challenge mode at certain health/strength values.
  • Fixed some status effects not properly affecting regeneration/reduction of stats.
  • Fixed “Worth” item value dropping unexpectedly due to reinforcement/durability calculations. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed damage notifiers moving sporadically after killing creatures while moving.
  • Fixed ash appearing over rock/impassible terrain. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed the permanently poisoned challenge modifier reducing player strength/health to very low values.
  • Fixed the “Operator” milestone not being obtainable. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Display the correct message when gathering/harvesting if the “Drop on Gather/Harvest” option was enabled but the tile beneath you was full.
  • Fixed stats not showing properly after loading a save game that uses milestone modifiers until one turn has passed.
  • Fixed dedicated servers timing out (and not reconnecting to matchmaking server) after traveling on lower-end hardware.
  • Fixed milestone modifiers not applying after travel. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed the “Explorer” milestone being unobtainable. (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed closing the action menu with a click off of the menu not showing tooltips afterward in certain instances. (Thanks AxelDominatoR!)
  • Fixed quickslots changing item types when using items that turned into others.
  • Fixed solar stills being referred to as water stills in some cases. (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed several cases of capitalization issues in notes. (Thanks Ursa!)
  • Fixeded some typos. (Thanks riftborn!) (Thanks Vardis!)
  • Fixed incorrect upgrade check on saves, leading to very large saves after repeated loads. (Thanks Amax!) (Hotfixed)
  • Fixed multiple multiplayer desyncs related to merchants, wells, and creature movement/offering. (Hotfixed)
  • Fixed the backup command not backing up if backups weren’t enabled. (Hotfixed)


  • Permanent status effect challenges will no longer modify player strength/health or give additional healing items. They are balanced through their effect rates now.
  • Made stoke values for items consistent. (Thanks !)


  • Comments are now supported in mod JSON files (mod.json, language files, etc), using Microsoft’s jsonc-parser module. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed modded items with undefined weight causing your weight to show as NaN.
  • Fixed status effect icon paths not being relative to mod directory.


  • In-game messages are now once again logged to the console & log files.
  • Fixed source map warnings showing in developer console.



  • Lava will no longer count as a valid tile to spawn on. (Thanks Amax!)


  • Added a new item group to all troposphere items and added additional groups to all items that matched ones from the base game.
  • Snowflakes can now be used as “liquid” items or used for drinking and can be found via storm stones or boulders rarely.

Debug Tools

  • Added /DebugToolsPermission chat command. This lets dedicated servers enable debug tools for players.


  • Will no longer kill itself while resting repeatedly in multiplayer or real-time games when hungry.
  • Will no longer eat grass seeds.
  • Fixed TARS not always functioning correctly after respawning if permadeath was disabled.
  • Fixed more water still issues.
  • Fixed issues with gathering water.
  • Fixed TARS sometimes getting stuck in infinite loops when trying to acquire items.
  • Will now attempt to only move items TARS needs into its inventory when gathering and dismantling items.
  • Fixed being unable to repair copper items.

Beta 2.9.1 Released

Hey all,

First off, I want to thank you all for the great turn-out for this major release so far. I’ve had tons of fun checking out all the new changes/content and traveling with everybody in multiplayer.

This patch will hopefully fix most lingering, serious issues to the game while we get started on the next major patch. As mentioned previously in the major update patch notes, we want to get started right away on a bigger update instead of supplying a bunch of smaller patches. In theory, this is the last smaller one, but we’ll continue to fix any issues as they are encountered and reported. As always, you can stay up-to-date with our nightly changes on the development branch in the middle of bigger releases where we aren’t patching as often.

If you were unfortunate enough to have the seed corruption issue, please send me your save along with the seed that you set an I can restore the issue for you. It looks like this issue was pretty rare, but we have fixed any future issues concerning it.

Bonus Tip

Did you know that planting seeds and growing plants in fertile soil will not only make them grow faster but also spread to adjacent tiles once they reach the “ripening” stage? Each plant has their own unique growth rate and spread amount.

Bonus Promotion

Check out our Subreddit that has recently just got a bunch of new activity: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wayward/


  • Added a custom game options to disable traveling effects for all players or just offline players.


  • New islands are now deterministic and based on the original seed.
  • Turns now pass normally when players are ghosts.
  • Changed order of custom game options based on perceived frequent/important usage.
  • Removed the ability to trade with merchants after they had already moved away from your facing position (while in multiplayer).
  • Void tiles will now be placed on the edges of all cave layers for compatibility with old saves.
  • Links in the changelog menu now appear the same way as other links.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed seeds with large numbers not being saved properly. (Thanks ODevil!)
  • Seeds are now sanitized, preventing potential strange terrain generation with unorthodox values.
  • Fixed performing actions from item menus moving the menu position instead of closing it after performing an action that caused the player to update their direction. (Thanks riftborn!)
  • Fixed container dialogs changing their position/size when traveling. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed other items being used swapped as your boat after traveling in rare instances. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed being able to move items into merchant’s inventories (without trading). (Thanks Oragepoilu!)
  • Fixed fish (and some other items) returning bones both when being cooked and when eaten. (Thanks Abs!)
  • Fixed quickslotting containers not toggling open/close properly on hotkey press. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed torches spawned in caves not having proper decay values set.
  • Fixed game options not being correctly initialized for old save games. Fixes the new respawning system not being available in old save games that were set to “Casual”. (Thanks AxelDominatoR!)
  • Fixed moving not causing item menus to close (like action menus do).
  • Fixed the export and counterclockwise buttons not working on the character selection screen at low resolutions. (Thanks Aurum!)
  • Fixed a problem that could cause the selected mod language to not be loaded on startup. (Thanks Lovefield!)
  • Improved reliability of traveling in multiplayer.
  • Fixed players that log in over water not swimming by default.
  • Fixed many multiplayer desyncs.
  • Fixed line of sight still being applied as a ghost in multiplayer.
  • Fixed being able to still be on your boat after traveling with PVP enabled and spawning on land.
  • Fixed paddling facing deep water tiles extinguishing held lit torches/candles.
  • Fixed excessive recent packet logging in multiplayer.
  • Fixed errors when mods try to get bindings for unregistered bindables.
  • Fixed the Helmsman milestone needing to travel to four islands instead of three. (Thanks Caerold!)
  • Fixed fog of war resetting when rejoining dedicated servers.
  • Fixed Steam and Discord Rich Presence showing the wrong player counts for multiplayer games.
  • Improved the grammar in the failed to cook message. (Thanks !)
  • Fixed an oversight when players could attempt to travel in caves. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed an error when exporting save games that have not yet been loaded/saved in the latest version. (Thanks Arnkh!)
  • Fixed joining games from Discord not initializing Steam integration correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where clients could not move on dedicated servers. (Hotfixed)


  • Reduced the chances of traveled to islands being “Coastal” types.
  • Reduced obscuring effect on tattered maps slightly.
  • Slimes will no longer combine into Jelly Cubes at reputation levels where they couldn’t spawn normally.
  • All mushrooms will no longer increase thirst/dehydration and will spawn more commonly frequently in the coastal island.
  • Added more difficult creature spawns to “Arid” caves.


  • Fixed invalid argument segments disappearing from output strings.
  • Fixed the list segment not working correctly for some values.
  • The list segment now supports {…}, formatting a list of all arguments.
  • Fixed the escape segment not removing its own curly braces.
  • Fixed status effect registration. (Thanks Noita!)
  • Fixed modded status effect handlers not re-initializing on loading saved games. (Thanks Noita!)
  • Increased reliability of publishing/updating mods. (Hotfixed)
  • Publishing Workshop mods that contain symlinks will no longer throw errors. (Hotfixed)


  • Various logging events will no longer be logged without “Developer Mode” enabled.
  • Added support for enabling/disabling sync checks from commands.
  • Reduced the amount of logging to log files.



  • Improved logic when waiting for water from a water still in multiplayer.
  • Removed “leave desert” functionality that no longer applies for coastal islands.
  • Will now ensure the base is built near a suitable water source.
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to build an anvil.
  • Fixed being unable to repair items that require an anvil and fire.
  • Fixed rare infinite loop when trying to move items to chests.
  • Fixed TARS switching hands constantly after dying in some instances in casual mode.
  • Will now respawn when dying in casual games.
  • Fixed memory errors/issues after running for extended periods of time through multiple games.

Wayward Beta 2.9 “Seafarer” Released

Beta 2.9 Banner

Hey all!

Introducing, “Seafarer”, the 9th major release of Wayward on Steam, and the end of limited exploration in the game. You can now sail the seas and explore new worlds and sets of islands. A few stand-out features in this release also include:

  • Added infinite persistent travel to up to three different types of islands, “Coastal”, “Arid” and “Ice Cap”.
  • Players in multiplayer can now travel together to new islands using a new voting system.
  • Encumbrance, dehydration, starvation, and exhaustion are all now status effects that appear in the UI. Their tooltips provide additional information and are more accurate with increased anatomy skill.
  • Added new locked forms of all chests with varied/tiered loot and quality for both generated chests and unearthed treasure chests.
  • The “Traverse the Seas” action and functionality have been removed in exchange for the new traveling system. The bull boat/sail boat can now be used to “paddle” like the raft.
  • Water now has a depletable but slowly regenerative amount of fish and items. You will need to move to other areas to successfully fish when depleted.
  • Dying in casual mode or with the “respawn” option enabled now causes players to become a ghost with a “respawn” button available. The ghost can travel around to any revealed location in the world.

This release was one of those big ones. Adding infinite procedural generation while keeping the world feel smaller and meaningful was no easy task. But it’s also one of those things that tons of players were clamoring for. Like some of the other big releases under our belt like beta 2.5 which added multiplayer; a feature I previously said would probably never happen. This was also one of those things design wise I was pretty strongly against initially and thought tech-wise, we would probably never manage to do. Well, I am constantly proven wrong by both what I think players would want most, and what my co-developers are able to pull off. Shout-out to:

  • Gary ‘Spacetech’ Wilber (Programming)
  • Dusty ‘Goaticide’ Melling (Art/Design)
  • Mackenzie ‘Chiri’ McClane (Programming/UX)

We still have lots of iterate on with the concept of island types and seafaring in general. Our plan with this cycle is to focus on a pretty large content patch somewhere in the set of 2.9.x releases, so the releases might be a bit more sparse than normal after a major release. This is because we want to focus on some bigger additional content for Seafarer. Things like temperature, more biome content and other unique island-based features like charting/mapping features. We’ll still be providing bug fixes of course.

As with all major releases so far, I’ll be doing some streaming tonight as well as over this week at random points. This time I’ll be doing it live on the Wayward Steam store page. You can tune in from there, or from the Broadcasts page: https://steamcommunity.com/app/379210/broadcasts/

Check out our Discord for more information and future community news: https://discord.gg/wayward or just add me as a friend on Steam to chat.

Also, like other major releases, Wayward is currently on sale for -20% off for a full week.

Speaking of Steam, as most of you might know, that in the ashes of the recent Steam Summer sale, you might have some extra Steam “points” laying around. I would encourage everybody to give out some rewards to all the community contributors out there for Wayward. Reviews, guides, Workshop mods, screenshots, and more! Show them some love!

Have fun!
Vaughn ‘Drathy’ Royko

Wall of text changelog below:

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Wayward Newsletter #7

Hey all,

Thanks for taking a look at our 7th newsletter. Oh ya, and also happy Wayward anniversary! We have some news to share on beta 2.9 as well as information on how you can help support the project going forward as we approach some really big game-changing milestones for Wayward development.

Steam Broadcast & Live Q&A

As this post goes live, I’ll be testing the Steam broadcasting waters so to speak with a live Q&A while playing some Wayward instead of the normal Twitch streaming I do. Tune in now (for the next couple of hours)!

One Day Sale

If you are reading this, then you are lucky enough not to be reading this newsletter on Steam. Which means, you will know that we are offering Wayward for -30% off for one day only via our website and the Humble Store which will give you a Steam key as well. We will have this offer on Steam as well down the road, but due to some oversights, we can’t offer it at this time over there.

Beta 2.9 Teasers & Information


Coming up in beta 2.9, we will see the ability to travel to new sets of islands without losing your current save and world, essentially, leading to infinite world generation and exploration.

Ice Cap

Here’s a sneak-peek at the new snowy biome. It’s one of three themes for new island types. Each island type will feature new content, resources, and many things unique only to that island type. Beta 2.9 will feature arid, ice cap, and coastal island types for starters. We’ll be working on more as we go as well.

Ice Cap Preview


Although the desert biome has always been present in every set of islands, it will now be much more fully featured with its own unique resources and cave system. Something worth traveling for!

Arid Preview

Usually we have everything we are working on available on our development branch. With this one, we are going to wait a bit before pushing it out for everybody to test and play with as there will likely be some game breaking bugs that we want to iron out first. Stay tuned for that!

Supporting Wayward

Wishlist & Follow

First of all, if you haven’t already purchased Wayward, make sure to wishlist it for the future, especially if you are one of those waiting for a non-early access release (or just waiting for a big discount) before taking the plunge. If you already have bought it, make sure to give us a follow so you can keep up with all the news and releases we announce on Steam (like this newsletter).

Steam Follow


Steam recently added a bunch of new tags in order to label games more accurately. Due to the tumultuous history of the “roguelike” genre, we now have a “traditional roguelike” tag that properly describes games like Wayward. You can help us categorize Wayward (and any other game) with the proper tags by editing them on the store page here:


Here’s all the tags that I found (arguably) fit Wayward when looking through them all:



If you haven’t had a chance to leave us feedback, make sure you write a review on the game. We use review feedback as one of the ways to improve the game and add more to our ever-growing to-do list.

If you’ve already reviewed the game, make sure to upvote any reviews you find helpful as this helps show more useful reviews to those deciding on purchasing the game or not.

Community Features

Save Games

Ever since beta 2.0 when we first released on Steam, we have had support for Steam Workshop-based saves. You can see everybody’s uploads here.

Explore somebody else’s world, or upload your own via the in-game export featured in the load game menu:

Export Save

And choose the “Steam Workshop” option to share your creation or world. It’s always fun snooping through other player’s giant walls of wooden chests.


Taking a screenshot of your in-game creations is probably the easiest way to create community content for Wayward, not including all the time you spent building those floors and walls…

Here’s a few of my recent favorites from the community.

AI Player 2 finishes their base:

AI Player 2 finishes their base

eXp術 reaches the iron age:

eXp術 reaches the iron age

Mr. Rogers cries in slime tears:

Mr. Rogers cries in slime tears

GhettoVan shows off their island moat:

GhettoVan shows off their island moat


The largest gathering place for our small community. If you haven’t joined already, make sure to do so here.

Steam Chat

If you are looking to chat with the Wayward community on a much smaller scale and without a separate application, then your best bet is the Wayward Steam chat. Join the chat here.

Feature Voting

If you haven’t already checked it out, make sure to visit the feature voting page on our website to vote on upcoming features.

It’s looking like the next, next release is going to be dungeons, but it’s a bit too early to say for sure. Dungeons are one of those “really big game-changing milestones” I was talking about.

I hope everybody is doing good, well, as good as they can be at the moment. Stay safe!

Stay tuned and thanks for the support over the years!

Beta 2.8.5 Released

We have a bit of an unusual release ready for everybody. A new release that is looking pretty chunky for being a minor update. This is a collection of things we have been improving while working on the next major update. Something like a midway point release. Enjoy! Let us know if you run into any issues.

In other news, we have transitioned the Wayward soundtracks over to the new “Soundtrack” category on Steam. This means you can purchase them independently of the game (they no longer count as DLC).

As for news on the next major release, we have decided to work on seafaring, persistent world travel, and themed biomes/islands (and all the unique content that comes with that). Some of the things that have been continually requested by the playerbase.

We’ll have more news on that coming up soon! On with the changelog:

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Beta 2.8.4 Released

We have a small patch ready to mostly fix up that auto saving issue. We were also able to squeeze in a few other things we were working on. More to come soon!

Let us know about any other issues you spot!


  • Where possible, the scheduled autosaves will now be combined with rest/sleep in order to be less disruptive.
  • Skeletal remains will now animate based on proximity instead of when facing them.
  • Improved client disconnection logic when a multiplayer game has closed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed auto saving happening during resting/sleeping, causing delays that sometimes lasted after the rest/sleep.
  • Fixed the “Close Container” action not working when using it from a quickslot hotkey.
  • Fixed the “inedible” and “poisoned” notes describing you drinking from a waterskin when drinking from water directly. (Thanks jettix!)
  • Fixed scrollbars appearing next to status effect icons when pixel font was disabled. (Thanks Sneed!)
  • Fixed an outdated wooden flooring item graphic.


  • Ash cement is no longer made with clay, but will require more ash and consume water fully.
  • All items now have a higher variety of weights, allowing slightly lower weight on all items. A very select few items have been raised in weight to compensate for this change.
  • Piles of ash can now weight up to 0.2.