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changeTile(change, changeX, changeY, stackBypass)

change: String of tiletype.
changeX: X coordinates of changed tile
changeY: Y coordinates of changed tile
stackBypass: Can use: true, false, or not set. If set to true, it will ignore any stack of tiles on that location, and overwrite them all.

changeTile(‘dirt’, 250, 250, true);

To get a listing of all tiletypes, type ’tiletypes’ without quotes into your console.

spawnMonster(monsterType, x, y, bypass)

monsterType: String of monster type.
x: X coordinates of spawn.
y: Y coordinates of spawn.
bypass: Can be: true, false, or not set. If set to true, it will spawn the monster even if it shouldn’t be spawned there (wrong tile, over monster, over player, etc.).

spawnMonster(‘harpy’, player.x+2, player.y+2, true);

To get a listing of all monster types, type ‘npcs’ without quotes in your console.