I decided to post my ideas for Wayward, mainly because multiple topics would look stupid, and.. because everybody likes influencing development of a game, including me.
1: Windows
Can windows to be embedded in walls be added? I’m so tired of not seeing anything outside my house unless I make it out of doors. Make them cost a butt-ton of glass for good measure.
2: Scaling Mob Spawns
I once made a world and on my second night got straight-up murdered by an Imp. I wasn’t too far along either, and it was incredibly annoying. Why not make only lower-level monsters spawn, based on the player’s advancement? I don’t even need them to be too easy, either; just nothing impossible to kill early on.
3:Can’t die by bleeding
I know this sounds like a cop-out, but why can’t bleeding only reduce a player to 1 health and his defense to 0? I died of bleeding just as I was about to reach my chest-load of sticks I could make a tourniquet with.
Thank you, and best of wishes with Wayward’s continued development.