“On Being a Coward” The Ultimate Guide to Living Forever (on a fictional desert island) ((Incomplete)).
Corrections and additions to the following welcomed.
Light Sources:
* No light source lasts forever. Not even torches on a torch stand.
* Some monsters can walk through walls (Pirate Ghost, …?)
* Some monsters can fly over walls (Vampire Bat, …?)
* Some monsters are invisible until they attack you (Trapdoor spider, …?)
* Do they regen hit points?
* How close / far from the player do monsters spawn?
The mini-map is 37 pixels across. It seems that either (a) Giant Spider spawns during day or (b) Monsters can spawn further than 18 tiles away from player.
* Is monster spawning affected by light levels (e.g. torches)?
* Do any monsters other than sharks spawn in deep water?
* Do any monsters spawn during the day?
Preliminary idea:
Establish a small island far enough from land for no land monsters to spawn. Plant trees and stuff.