Cyber Helix

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  • in reply to: Cyber Helix Plays Wayward! #5284
    Cyber Helix

    Holy crap, I’ve been dead here for a little bit.

    Gonna have to do a new video soon!

    in reply to: Opinion on a livestream? #5278
    Cyber Helix

    Last annoyance about the stream, hopefully! It’s in just an hour from the time I’m posting this! Get ready! GET EXCITED! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    in reply to: Opinion on a livestream? #5277
    Cyber Helix

    Link to the Stream, for when the time comes:

    in reply to: Opinion on a livestream? #5276
    Cyber Helix

    I’ve decided to do the stream a couple days from now on Saturday, which is the 3rd. I’ll start streaming at 6:00 PM EST, but I’ll post in the topic again a little before I start streaming.

    As for the channel itself, I still need to figure out a few things, but I’ll post the link to the channel on Twitch tomorrow.

    in reply to: Opinion on a livestream? #5262
    Cyber Helix

    I’d love to have you join in! Just have to figure out a way to do it. If you’ve got Steam, add either Unintentional Puzzle Cathedral or Cyber Helix, preferably the first one, and we’ll talk it out.

    in reply to: Opinion on a livestream? #5260
    Cyber Helix

    I’m thinking I’m going to go ahead and do it, I just need to think of a good date and platform. I don’t want to do it during the week of Christmas, so I’m thinking the 3rd of January. Still have to figure out where to stream from though.

    in reply to: Wayward Island Kingdom #5239
    Cyber Helix

    “*maybe not”

    …Not sure if I should feel anger or happiness. I’ll opt for both.
    *flips a table then hugs james*

    in reply to: Cyber Helix Plays Wayward! #5217
    Cyber Helix

    And now for the video of The End, the 19th installment of WIK:

    Wayward Island Kingdom XIX: The End (Independent Episode)

    Now to figure out where James shall go from here!

    in reply to: Cyber Helix Plays Wayward! #5211
    Cyber Helix

    It was one hell of a weekend, and then one hell of a couple days of food poisoning, but I’m finally back from the convention, both with a new video and fresh batteries! I had planned two or three videos, but then food poisoning happened. But the convention inspired me, so hopefully more to come!

    Wayward Island Kingdom XVIII: Gather Your Wits (Independent Episode)

    On a side note, any idea how to change my bloody avatar? I threw something together earlier for my accounts and can’t figure out WordPress.

    in reply to: Cyber Helix Plays Wayward! #5198
    Cyber Helix

    Almost caught up!

    Wayward Island Kingdom XVII: Back To Basics (Independent Episode)

    I should be able to do 18 this weekend and put out another video, though I do have to help out a friend at a local convention this weekend so might be a day late.

    in reply to: Missing recipe's? #5197
    Cyber Helix

    Is the iron ingot the only recipe you’re missing?

    in reply to: Cyber Helix Plays Wayward! #5191
    Cyber Helix

    Here’s another Island Kingdom video. I’ll be releasing more over the next few days, as I’ve been far too lazy and we need moar vids.

    Wayward Island Kingdom XVI: Alchemist (Independent Episode)

    I’m also trying a few things as I make videos, so feel free to tell me if there’s anything you like or don’t like.

    in reply to: Cyber Helix Plays Wayward! #5179
    Cyber Helix

    We’ve made it to Episode 10, yet we’ve got nothing to show for it now except blood and bones. Fitting, lol.

    Episode 10

    Depending on how I fare on this character, there will probably be between 5-10 more videos in the main playthrough. But fear not, I still intend to do Kingdom videos, and I’m considering making a few shorts.

    in reply to: Cyber Helix Plays Wayward! #5171
    Cyber Helix

    A quick little post; mid-terms are finally over and the bulk of the homework that got saved up over that time is taken care of. So, video production will get kicked up! Yaaay! But for now, enjoy:

    Episode 9

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Cyber Helix.
    in reply to: So quiet #5167
    Cyber Helix

    Midterms had me really busy myself, and the week after my professors refused to let up on BS assignments. Thus the reason for inactivity here and on YouTube. Thank god my last assignment from all that mess is Tuesday and I can actually get back to work.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)