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Cyber Helix
MemberWill jump on WIK 16 and 17 the moment I finish up these last few videos I’ve been meaning to do for a couple months. Played part of 16 but got sidetracked. ^^;
Cyber Helix
MemberTreasure maps always lead to buried treasure that has to be dug up. However, simply using the usual “Dig” action with a shovel will not reveal the treasure. To get the treasure out of the ground, you have to use the “Gather Treasure” action the shovel has. You’re doing that, right?
Cyber Helix
MemberWell, I broke the promise to have new videos this weekend, but life unfortunately got in the way. But, I’ve got two new videos!
Wayward Island Kingdom XV: Thalassophobia (Independent Episode)
I also decided to make a video of the map JamesIII made for me to try and escape from. I decided to put it in its own little subsection for challenges; Challenge Accepted. James, don’t kill me for it, I don’t think you’re actually out to get me 😛 Hopefully.
Cyber Helix
MemberThat one took far longer than I thought it would, got a bit picky about details and somehow ended up convincing myself to overlay text over some things I said. Probably crappily.
The Wayward Island Kingdom videos, though, will be out some time this weekend, unless my computer derps again.
Cyber Helix
MemberSo, by now I’d intended to post a few videos, one on the new update and two on Island Kingdom maps, but one, I got distracted, and two, I just found out that something went wrong with all of my recordings. The audio kept cutting out on the update, and for some reason the footage won’t load for either island kingdom mods. I’m not dead, my software just decided it hated me. But, they’ll get redone, so no worries.
Cyber Helix
MemberDamn you James, damn you for being industrious! And damn my inability to resist playing the maps!
Cyber Helix
MemberJust one video for Wayward today, sadly. Next we’ll look at the new Island Kingdom. But at least we’ve got treasure!
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
Cyber Helix. Reason: Wrong link was posted
Cyber Helix
MemberI’m back from the dead! And as soon as I find the time to stop bemoaning my choice to study biology and try to get to med school, I’ll get to work on showcasing the next Island Kingdom mod. But for now, episodes 6 and 7 of the main playthrough, where I seem to yell for no reason!
Cyber Helix
MemberThis time I took a break and played on the Island Kingdom map, and spent 30 minutes in awe.
Wayward Island Kingdom XII (Independent Episode)
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
Cyber Helix.
Cyber Helix
MemberHuh, it seems there’s a limit to how long you can edit a post. Well, guess I’ll just have to occasionally list new episodes.
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by