Forum Replies Created
ModeratorI’ve trapped an Aberrant Time Skitter on an island. I wasn’t able to injure it at all with iron weapons so I’m going to try gold. These things really are boss mobs lol.
Moderatorwhat would be to easiest way to spawn an item? would it be renderItem or spawnItem? any syntax for this would be appreciated. also how would you change the text color in a message?
ModeratorHere’s the mod I use to spawn specific monsters, I’m not sure if its completely right but it seems to work for the most part.
Selective Spawner Mod:
$("#optionswindow").on("click", '#chicken', function(e) {spawnmonster("chicken", player.x+2, player.y); e.preventDefault();message("Chicken!");}); $("#optionswindow").on("click", '#skeleton', function(e) {spawnmonster("skeleton", player.x+2, player.y); e.preventDefault();message("Skeleton!");}); $("#optionswindow").on("click", '#bogling', function(e) {spawnmonster("bogling", player.x+2, player.y); e.preventDefault();message("Bogling!");}); $("#optionswindow").on("click", '#zombie', function(e) {spawnmonster("zombie", player.x+2, player.y); e.preventDefault();message("Zombie!");}); $("#optionswindow").on("click", '#pirateghost', function(e) {spawnmonster("pirateghost", player.x+1, player.y); e.preventDefault();message("Pirate Ghost!");}); $("#optionswindow").append('<button type="button" id="chicken">Chicken</button>'); $("#optionswindow").append('<button type="button" id="skeleton">Skeleton</button>'); $("#optionswindow").append('<button type="button" id="bogling">Bogling</button>'); $("#optionswindow").append('<button type="button" id="zombie">Zombie</button>'); $("#optionswindow").append('<button type="button" id="pirateghost">Pirate Ghost</button>');
ModeratorIt was the same thing for me, it seemed like there was a wall. Somewhere around 3 or 4 treasure it was just chests with junk over and over. Caves and hunting at night would be the 2 fastest ways of collecting treasure I think. Treasure maps are just as bad, more frustrating even, since they say treasure map and 50% of the time there’s no treasure. Half the fun though is how merciless the game feels.
ModeratorWow awesome! I’ll look forward to the fix. Also, I was wondering, could you give a list of the new aberrant monsters with the exact variable names to use for modding. Thanks 🙂
I got home from work today and went to the castle to pick up some building materials, on the way out I noticed this little scene of chaos taking place. Shortly after I bumped into my first aberrant fire elemental and barely survived. Are fires like these meant to happen before you ever make line of sight with the fire elementals?
ModeratorTry using stone walls outside your entrance to create a more elaborate entry way then just a straight line into a door. That way you know to walk around something but the fire elemental gets caught on the corner. Sort of like 2 L’s.
ModeratorAll fixed now, must have just been a glitch on the first day of 1.5. Time to get back to building haha!
Moderatorthe save/load mod doesnt seem to be working with 1.5 🙁
ModeratorOk thanks for the modding tips, I’m going to see what I can do. Have you had a chance to look around in the map yourself yet Vaughn?
ModeratorThank you for making me a moderator and trying out the map! I tried that monster party mod and it will definitely be useful for adding something extra to the dungeon areas. Is there any way to create a specific monster spawning only? The other two ideas I thought would be cool were a monster editor so I could make a stronger version of certain monsters for a sort of boss fight feel and some sort of cave entrance creator for when there is not dirt below in the adjacent cave system.
By the way…there seems to be a way to get infinite walls and dirt. Also, duplicating items with the save/load mod. I’m still not sure exactly what actions are triggering the swap but I’ll keep you posted.
Moderator -