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  • in reply to: New mod for 1.9.3 #6225

    Sounds damn fu cking great 🙂 Really interesting.

    Greetings and thx for this

    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5959

    Now I even own some leather boots.
    Several. A lot!

    All leather all legend. But not a single piece of metal clothing.
    I still can´t lit a fire and I still have no blacksmith because of that ***** log xD

    But I do have about 240 Helath. Yes, you´re right… I more than doubled the HP.
    With which kind of action?
    I carved my mountain… about 50% of it °_°
    Yes, he is even bigger than I thought. I guess it´s about 10 – 20 MAP-screens big!

    I am carving it out, paving it with cobblestone and when my HPs are full I go and train my parrying some more.
    That skill is at about 97%. In total my defense is at 20.

    Because of several ghosts appearing from everywhere around and me killing them with bare hands… I got quite some tactics too.

    Besides I have to say I haven´t tried to kill an abberant ghost or even time-skitter, I think I can now survive pretty easily. I already raided 2 treasurechests but didn´t found what I was looking for… iron armor equipment and/or a log.
    At least my food can now be stored so that it won´t spoil so fast 🙂

    Now the only things I have to do is further grinding (carving, parrying) and finding more chests.
    I have survived 🙂


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by sechsauge.
    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5919

    Fire in the hole!
    More fire in the hole °_°!?
    I did end up with all the leather armor I need. One piece for every part of my body… except for the still naked feet. Also all of my clothes are legendary and some ghosts doesn´t float between us anymore… just a coincidence ;D
    I also have an additional armor for almost every part of my armor. So… right now I can do every battle and doesn´t have to worry about the durability that much anymore. My base defense is 8 (about 83% parrying) so I don´t get hit that often anymore anyway.
    But there was an incident. In one of my two gardens a fire elemental popped up. But also an abberent firelemental °_°
    A normal one is no big deal anymore. 4 damage per thrown item and even in melee I can get the job done quite fast. But an abberent…. oh damnit!
    It blocks and burns my garden down but it is imprisoned and spents some light 😀
    My 5th entrance, the way to the east where I hope to find that treasure chest is almost reached. I paved the way and put down about half of the needed heaps to make the way ghostsave.
    But I started to think about what is left being able to stop me or at least put me into a “much more complicate situation”. The result is: an abberant time skitter. That monster would be a big harrasment to my efforts.
    Everything else shouldn´t be a big deal. I have a lot of water. About 6 or 7 bottles. And I can hunt for food easily by killing some sharks or kraken.
    My metabolism is quite good now. About 35. So I can be without food or water for quite some while too.
    Next steps: straightening up some spots in my cave, paving the last tiles without cobblestone, kill the abberant fireelemental and reestablish the garden, secure the rest of the way to the 5th exit, open the exit, take a peek outside there, explore the way to the treasure chest, finally (common!!) connect the two entrances 1 and 4 with my moat.
    Phuuu 🙂
    A lot to do.


    in reply to: (Bug) Chests Lose All Items #5918

    Is that true for 1.92 too? That would be a great way to get rid of some unwanted items xD 🙂


    in reply to: We need a "Suggestions" thread #5915

    You buy the game. That´s nothing freaky. You go to work… I guess. You get paid for that. The company can pay you because they SELL their products. If you want to talk to someone who doesn´t sell a thing in ANY way I suggest you to talk to the finance department… they don´t want to sell you something, they just want your money.
    I am a salesman. And I fu cking hate it when somebody can´t see that there is not a single company in the world that doesn´t sell something.
    Not even ONE!
    And Vaughn invented this really awesome game and cares about it in a very professional way (as far as I can tell) and didn´t get paid until now. Right now he might or MIGHT NOT get some money out of his WORK… it´s nothing you can rely on, nothing you can be sure you can LIVE on. He still got to go to his job and do his job 8 hours a day. (as I assume)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5885

    De de de de dede Ghostbuster 🙂 ! Who you gonna call?
    I killed my first ghost… got some time yesterday and did develop the situation a lot.
    I equipped my newly crafted stoneaxes (one even legendary [cooking or something ^^]) and tried to fight my first ghost. It worked. 2 damage per Axe. You can imagine it was no easy fight. But now with my healthy little watersupply I can allow myself to go down on terms of health quite a bit 🙂
    In total I sent two ghosts and another “time-pain-in-the-arse-skitter” to hell. Also my moat grew so big that I am now able to see my first entrance in the distance. I want to connect them soon. This pitty 2-spot field of deep shallow fresh water is rediculous in terms of defense.
    The masses of soil and sand I swapt for some of my stoneheaps inside my mountain. Those stones were quickly transfered to their afterlife, so called “cobblestone”. That said… I still do have a lot of bare dirt-fields inside the mountain which I separate with my stoneheaps. Because of that outside those heaps inside the mountains some creatures come into play and I am tempted to prohibit that step by step.
    My HP are about to hit 120. I found one more tanned leather at the corpse of one of my enemies. With the other one I had found earlier I crafted a pair of gloves °_°
    Such a stupid decision!
    I could have made throusers 🙁 2 Defense with the same or less cost.
    Ok, so now I have gloves, a gorget, a belt, skullcap and a leathervest 🙂
    With the plasma of one of the ghosts I was able to enhance the vest… 75 durability say: “I wont take off my shirt” 😉
    I no longer have to undress all of my armor when I am in contact with kraken or sharks.
    A little rat found one of those mysterious ways into my WALLS. Now I can train my parrying skill very effectively. My jellycube though, died.
    Now I have to train some more and from time to time kill some solitary ghosts. For that… and especialy because I don´t want them to flee when they are in unhealthy status… I build my first ghostbusterchamber.
    I build it between exit one and two (the one with a lake of deep shallow fresh water). The next one will be near my 4th exit because of a ghost which dared to block that one right now.
    First I will go and catch myself an offal and then kill that pesky ghost. Hopefully my belt will profit from that approach.
    I hope to clear all the surrounding ghosts in the next few hours and enhance all of my current equipment with their plasma.
    In the long-run I want to dig a channel to the very right of my mountain and build a 5th exit to be in a pole position to do a treasure hunt. I got a treasure map and think I was able to identify the spot there.
    If I can manage to do so… I would take that chest home and would finally be able to preserve my food for a longer time.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5877

    Thank you very much 🙂 :$ 🙂

    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5876

    Update 🙂
    I really didn´t do that much this weekend. Although I got a 4th bottle AND now TWO solar stills running I mainly fought two timeskitters which invaded my cave.
    Because of their big defense my throwing can hardly deal any damage. The tactic-skill around 50% and my 2 knifes can´t deal that much damage either. So I was forced to either try an attempt with my 2 newly crafted valueable (bonepoles are not unlimited) Stoneaxes or to really invest some time and throw stones at them like candy!
    I opted for the second. It took me a lot of time and was a hard game of hit and run because of the very limited amount of throwable stuff and the time-skitter-ability to jump over my stonebarricades (12 stones on a heap).
    At least my moat grew a bit and I got a living stone inside the mountain outside my cave “heapwalls” ^^
    So now I have a good training-partner for gaining some parrying and maybe some more HP too.

    Right now I am at 107 or 109 Health 🙂 my gardens (inside the cave) are producing onions and cotton and my 2 solar cells produce a lot of crystalclear blue water 🙂

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5867

    I got it! 🙂

    I was now able to dig moat from the sea to that promising 4th exit/entrance.
    I got quite a lot of sand too. I digged a respecatble moat around the entrance and hauled a lot of sand all the way through my base to the furnace.
    Only a few turns later I got a chance “to grab a fire”. A fireelemental had started a fire at a nearby tree. So I stepped forward, lit my wooden pole and tried to retreat back to my base. Yeah, the way back was closed. A nasty ghost stepped in my way and I had to run.
    I chose to go quite a bit of the way around the mountain to reach my 4th entrance and made it. I reached the savety of my cave and hurried through my tunnels to go back to the first entrance where my furnace is located.
    It was close… when I lit the furnace and a campfire and dropped the pole it had only about 80 turns left.

    In the end it doesn´t matter that much. In no time I crafted TWO glass shards and made ONE solar still out of it which I positoned at the furnace and filled it with seawater form my moat at entrance 4.
    Now I am able to eat meat and drink shallow water in masses. If I get poisoned I craft a healingwater and that´s it 🙂
    From another fireelemental I got one more bottle. So I have 3 bottles, one working solar still and 4 Exits of which one has a really big moat.

    Training-time 🙂


    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5855

    I stoned another fireelemental to death and a kraken. I got a leather armor for my chest and another bottle.
    So right now I have 3 bottles. My third entrance is almost done. I can get some shallow water there and because of reasons of redundance that´s the most important thing right now.
    But I still want to improve it by making it more secure to get the water there even in presence of ghosts.
    A 4th exit I dug out is absolutly dry… but ghostsave at least. The walk to the beach can be quite short there. I hope to fetch some more sand for being prepared. If I can get a fire lit I can build up TWO solar stills IF I can get this one more sand I need.
    Right now I am well fed and in a good shape so I am going to train some rounds with my Jellycube ^^

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5853

    I am recently trying to establish a third entrance/exit, expand my moat/watersupply and gain some fighting experience.
    Also I try to horde some bandages. I´ve now seen an abberant ghost outside. The normal ghost sum up to 4 or 5 now 🙁
    Right now I have enough to eat from my gardens and if I don´t get poisoned I can do a little training with my jellycube.
    If I would be able to do so I would try to dig some seawater to my caveentrance and in the best case I would love to to get a fireelemental to start a fire which I can use to lit my furnace with my second (and last) wooden pole.
    I have everything prepared so far. As soon as I can lit a my wooden pole I can instantly build up a solar still ( I once “stoned” a kraken to death). In that very second I would be able to cure poison every time I need to. So I would be able to use up my HP for fighting more often and get some very needed tactics and parrying-skill.
    I´ll keep this updated… some kind like a dairy ^^


    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5851

    Because I had to sleep a lot to get my HP back for some hunting and for some “poisondrinking” I didn´t develop that much.
    I was able to dig through a smaller part of that huge mountain and make it ghostsave.
    At the very next point I got problems. Several boglings. Boglings are not only able to deal a sever amount of damage but can also cause poison. At the point when I had some torniques and still material for more (or some shovels instead) I had no more problems with bleeding but still with poison. And now with some more HP than at the beginning the poison dealt much more damage. When I managed to kill a hobgoblin with stones by throwing hundreds of stones at him or when I killed a grey wolf or a bear I had something quite save to eat.
    Even uncooked those meatpieces are quite save to consume. But they still make you thirsty and I had to drink a lot more.
    Then there were fireelementals and ghosts 🙁
    The ghosts were and still ARE a big problem. I can´t work properly to get the huge mountain carved out.
    I can´t move outside that easily because they follow me as closely as they can.
    I managed to make a virtitude out of my problem and started to run a garden. With cotton and onions mainly.
    The I digged out a second one for redundance and maybe a bit for abundance ^^
    It was still hard and I had to be careful at every step not being caught by any ghost not being able to retreat.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5847

    I didn´t find a world without trees 🙁
    But I just tried to survive without the trees. I did pretend and I still pretend to have no trees. No berries no tree-mushrooms. No trunks, no bark.
    Normally it would be a paradise. The mountain is HUGE… gigantic! Not much desert to find some ananas or coconuts though… because… yeah… I have plenty of forest. I found only 2 branches, some twigs… but no bark 🙁 and no trunks or even a bottle.
    I can´t make a fire. I can´t build up ANY armor. I have limestone, tongs, refined sand, a furnace… but I can´t lit the furnace… so I am still with only ONE source of water. The shallow fresh water.
    If I wouldn´t have those patches of shallow freash water I would have died weeks ago. Yes, I survived for weeks and yes, I am still alive!
    There a several small spots of shallow fresh water and there is also one bigger spot which I managed to grow bigger to that point where I am now able to get my water from. But it is dirty and every poisoning can be my very death because I can´t purify any water without a fire and that´s why I can´t mix a healingwater.
    In fact I got poisoned quite often. And sometimes I would have died. Several times. But I have some cotton near my entrance. I cultivated it a bit, fought some giant rats and rabbits to get some bonepoles for more shovels and torniquets.
    When I was high on HP and low on water I drank the fresh water and got 8 thirst reduced but often becoming poisoned too. If so I drank some more so that at least I wouldn´t need to drink for quite some time and hoped for the poison to cease.
    When I was close to death I used a bandage (with peat) (or two or three :() and I managed to survive.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by sechsauge.
    in reply to: What can you theoretically survive? #5844

    Right now I am playing a game without rocks.

    The biggest problem at the beginning was that I didn´t knew I wouldn´t have any rocks at the end. I was on a completly empty island. No rocks, no forest. I needed to run around for almost the whole daytime!!
    In the end, when it began to become a bit darker I found a little forest and some miles in the north I found a little oasis with shallow freshwater. Situated between two sandrockformations. So… I had no rocks… but at least I had sandstone.
    Sandstone, freshwater… good conditions finally… after almost dying in the heat of several empty islands.
    With the wood and bark from the little forest and the sandstone I was able to have a campfire and made some sharp glass for the carving. with the little pond I was able to get unlimited water and with the campfire I had purified fresh water.
    On my excursions I was able to kill some rats and spiders and that way build up some foodstockpile.
    My biggest problem was the lack of sharp stones which I -more or less urgently- needed for a new shovel.
    But of course… with the sandstones I was able to maintain one shovel for quite some time.
    So now I had food and water for several more days. I was still concerned about the savety of my camp and about my weaponry and armory. My ridiculous moat consisted of only one single tile of seawater. One bogling and I am done…
    Also the trees of my oasis were not save from any fire-elemental which might or might not show up and burn everything down for me being open for every kraken or bear to show up directly IN my watersupply.
    I went hunting and got myself some bones and sinews for poles and strings. ….which I really needed °_° because almost every rat caused me some heavy bleeding. The leather was quickly crafted into some armors and the bleeding or low-health-time I spend hacking through one of my sandstonemountains.
    In the end I got some luck and found a shale. I instantly made another shovel from it.
    Right now my camp is in a good shape. Food, water broad moat and trees behind a deep seawater-moat.
    Also a chest containing a whole lot of branches.
    I already killed a hobgoblin and a kraken. So now I am a bit more experienced in fighting.
    The next step -with which I already started- will be to locate and kill some living stones in the near surroundings. That way I got and will get sharp stones and also some limestone which I didn´t find in ANY of my sandstonemountains.
    I hope some day I can find a world without trees and will be able to establish my base there as well 🙂

    in reply to: We need a "Suggestions" thread #5842

    Ah, those… yeah, I know what you mean.
    In most cases you can find something valuable in/at those “monuments”.
    And the strukture itself isn´t without value either 😉
    But yes, this feature can be enhanced further 🙂


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